Home > PHP, Tips & Tricks > PHP script to import csv data into mysql

PHP script to import csv data into mysql

February 19th, 2007

This is a simple script that will allow you to import csv data into your database. This comes handy because you can simply edit the appropriate fields, upload it along with the csv file and call it from the web and it will do the rest.

It allows you to specify the delimiter in this csv file, whether it is a coma, a tab etc. It also allows you to chose the line separator, allows you to save the output to a file (known as a data sql dump).

It also permits you to include an empty field at the beginning of each row, which is usually an auto increment integer primary key.

This script is useful mainly if you don’t have phpmyadmin, or you don’t want the hassle of logging in and prefer a few clicks solution, or you simply are a command prompt guy.
Just make sure the table is already created before trying to dump the data.
Kindly post your comments if you got any bug report.

Download file here

PHP, Tips & Tricks

  1. Jake
    February 25th, 2007 at 06:31 | #1

    Very useful, thank you.

  2. S. Martinez
    February 22nd, 2007 at 12:17 | #2

    I usually use phpmyadmin, but true, in case one does not have it installed, and does not have shell access (like most of the shared hosting providers), this can come in very handy.

  3. Len Lulow
    February 28th, 2007 at 20:11 | #3

    Thanks a lot this saved lots of time! Nice script.

  4. hfvd
    October 24th, 2007 at 12:44 | #4

    Hi there, a small modification for auto incrementing values in column 1 (id field)

    see variable $count.

    ola, enrico.

    //$con = @mysql_connect($databasehost,$databaseusername,$databasepassword) or die(mysql_error());
    //@mysql_select_db($databasename) or die(mysql_error());

    $lines = 0;
    $queries = “”;
    $linearray = array();

    $count = 0;

    foreach(split($lineseparator,$csvcontent) as $line) {

    $count = $count + 1;


    $line = trim($line,”\t”);

    $line = str_replace(“‘”,”\’”,$line);

    $linearray = explode($fieldseparator,$line);

    $linemysql = implode(“‘,’”,$linearray);

    $query = “insert into `your db table` VALUES(‘$count’,'$linemysql’);”;

    $queries .= $query . “\n”;



  5. dani
    August 25th, 2008 at 20:06 | #5

    Wow is cool … had idea after read your coding… thank a lot

  6. steve
    August 31st, 2008 at 19:04 | #6

    Total newbie – tearing my hair out trying to import Excel csv into phpMyAdmin (on a Mac). Would love to know exactly where and what I do with this php script…?

  7. Joseph
    September 3rd, 2008 at 12:39 | #7


    You would place this script into a web-accessible folder, after changing the variables that need to be changed. Read the comments in the script to find out what you need to specify. Then, call the script up in a web browser, like:


  8. ollyd
    September 9th, 2008 at 06:35 | #8

    it would be a good idea to add prevent headers within the csv from being submitted into the database. Or to create a script that pulls out the first row and creates a db using these values as the column names.

  9. Rengaraj
    September 12th, 2008 at 12:11 | #9

    I am getting this error File not found. Make sure you specified the correct path.

  10. Rengaraj
    September 12th, 2008 at 12:16 | #10

    Can any one reply fast i have a csv file bbqrest.csv at correct path(root)..

  11. Steve
    September 12th, 2008 at 12:19 | #11

    the csv file should be in the same place as the PHP file.
    Also, you don’t really have to use the same csv file name.
    bbqrest.csv is an example, replace this file name with your own.

  12. Robbie
    September 24th, 2008 at 12:19 | #12

    Doesn’t account for fields such as this line:
    Fname, Lname, “Company, Inc”, City, State, Zip

    Company and Inc get split into two different columns.

  13. Robbie
    September 24th, 2008 at 14:27 | #13

    Well, here’s the fix to my previous comment:

    insert this in between:

    $linearray = explode($fieldseparator,$line);

    … insert code snippet below….

    $linemysql = implode(“‘,’”,$linearray);

    Finds and keeps all “Stuff, More Stuff” together before imploding it.

    $a = “”;
    $b = “”;
    $qoutecount = 0;
    for ($x = 0; $x -1) {
    if ($qoutecount == 1)
    $a = $x; // store the first instance
    elseif ($qoutecount == 2) {
    $quotecount = 0;
    $b = $x; // store the second instance
    // THAT DOES IT… compile all elements from $a to $b into $a and ignore elements anything after $a to $b in new array;
    $newa = “”; // initialize new string.
    for ($z = $a; $z $a && $y

  14. Robbie
    September 24th, 2008 at 14:27 | #14

    ; // skip because it falls within the bad array elements
    $newarray[$y] = str_replace(‘”‘,”,$linearray[$y]);
    $linearray = array_values($newarray); // reset the keys to the new array

  15. Brad
    September 26th, 2008 at 14:43 | #15

    i get the first so much of it cut off and the rest just code in my browser. I know php is working because the rest of the site works.
    I did upgrade to php5 does that matter?

  16. ASCASC
    September 27th, 2008 at 05:04 | #16

    brad, if you had downloaded it earlier than last week, replace the ‘< ?’at the top with ‘< ?php’ (remove space)

  17. Roelof
    September 30th, 2008 at 08:06 | #17

    Robbie, thanks for you addition, it’s quite welcome. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work straight away when I copy it. I think something is missing because the code is spread out over two posts.

    Could you check the code as displayed here? Is something missing?

  18. Phillip
    October 1st, 2008 at 22:26 | #18

    Hi there, nice script thanks. When running it I get:
    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in on line 63

    Is there anything I can do to get around this?

  19. admin
    October 6th, 2008 at 00:27 | #19

    How large is the file you’re trying to import?
    in any case, try adding the following line after the initial opening tags:
    This will give the script up to 5 minutes (300 seconds) of execution time.
    Replacing 300 with 0 will allow it to take as much time as needed.

  20. Fidel Gonzo
    October 10th, 2008 at 05:12 | #20

    Hi all,

    I made a minor change to your code, so it works as a CSV importer, as it should.

    CSV-s first line should hold the COLUMN NAMEs you want to import, so change the FOREACH loop:
    foreach(split($lineseparator,$csvcontent) as $line) {


    $line = trim($line,” \t”);

    $line = str_replace(“\r”,”",$line);

    /*get COLUMN NAMEs from first line of CSV */
    if($lines==1) {


    echo $columnsql;

    This line escapes the special character. remove it if entries are already escaped in the csv file
    $line = str_replace(“‘”,”\’”,$line);

    $linearray = explode($fieldseparator,$line);

    $linemysql = implode(“‘,’”,$linearray);

    $query = “insert into $databasetable ($columnsql) values(‘$linemysql’);”;
    $query = “insert into $databasetable ($columnsql) values(‘$linemysql’);”;

    $queries .= $query . “\n”;


  21. login
    October 20th, 2008 at 18:10 | #21

    Nice work chief ;-)

  22. enim
    October 23rd, 2008 at 04:16 | #22

    it did not insert into the database table where i want it inserted..:(

  23. gene
    October 29th, 2008 at 09:28 | #23

    I can only get the first line of my CSV file to be imported into the database.
    Here’s a copy of the log file:

    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-21′,’50′,’50′,’50′,’this is the first notes line’,'this is notes line 2′,’this is notes line 3′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,’456 Morningside Ave’,’ste. 512′,’Brooklyn’,'NY’,'10023′,’Joe’,'Customer 1′);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-09′,’50′,’50′,’50′,’this is the first notes line’,”,”,’2008-10-09′,’2008-10-14′,’0000-00-00′,’456 Morningside Ave’,’ste. 512′,’Brooklyn’,'NY’,'10023′,’Joe’,'Customer 1′);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-14′,’25′,’25′,’25′,’NOTES 1′,”,”,’2008-10-14′,’2008-10-17′,’NULL’,'555 somewhere’,’suite 123′,’new york’,'new y’,'10001′,’Joe’,'Name 1′);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-16′,’45′,’45′,’45′,”,”,”,’2008-10-16′,’2008-10-24′,’NULL’,”,”,”,”,”,’Tom’,”);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-01′,’34′,’34′,’34′,”,”,”,’2008-10-02′,’2008-10-04′,’2008-10-04′,”,”,”,”,”,’Steve’,”);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-17′,’50′,’50′,’50′,’this is the first notes line’,”,”,’2008-10-03′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,’456 Morningside Ave’,’ste. 512′,’Brooklyn’,'NY’,'10023′,’Joe’,'Customer 1′);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-18′,’25′,’25′,’25′,’NOTES 1′,”,”,’2008-10-04′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,’555 somewhere’,’suite 123′,’new york’,'new y’,'10001′,’Joe’,'Name 1′);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-19′,’45′,’45′,’45′,”,”,”,’2008-10-05′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,”,”,”,”,”,’Tom’,”);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-20′,’34′,’34′,’34′,’new notes’,”,”,’2008-10-06′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,”,”,”,”,”,’Steve’,”);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-21′,’12′,’12′,’12′,’even newer notes’,”,”,’2008-10-07′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,”,”,”,”,”,’mark’,”);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-22′,’1′,’0′,’0′,”,”,”,’2008-10-08′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,”,”,”,”,”,”,”);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-23′,’2′,’0′,’0′,”,”,”,’2008-10-09′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,”,”,”,”,”,”,”);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-24′,’3′,’0′,’0′,”,”,”,’2008-10-10′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,”,”,”,”,”,”,”);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-15′,’0′,’0′,’0′,’later’,”,”,’2008-10-11′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,”,”,”,”,”,”,”);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-16′,’0′,’0′,’0′,’later still’,”,”,’2008-10-12′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,”,”,”,”,”,”,”);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-17′,’0′,’0′,’0′,’later still’,”,”,’2008-10-13′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,”,”,”,”,”,”);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-18′,’0′,’0′,’0′,’later still’,”,”,’2008-10-14′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,”,”,”,”,”,”);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-19′,’0′,’0′,’0′,’latest’,”,”,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,’0000-00-00′,”,”,”,”,”,”);
    insert into production values(”,’2008-10-01′,’34′,’34′,’34′,’very latest’,”,”,’2008-10-02′,’2008-10-04′,’2008-10-04′,”,”,”,”,”,’bruce’);
    insert into production values(”,”);

    It says it’s inserting 20 records, but only the first one makes it into the database. Any thoughts?

  24. MarkFromHawaii
    November 19th, 2008 at 04:00 | #24

    Hi all,

    Thanks for the script. I’m a noob at PHP and MySQL so I really appreciate something like this. I got as far as generating the “File is not writable, check permissions” error message in my browser. Can someone please explain the comment about setting the permission to 777? I’m using an Excel-generated .csv file? Thanks in advance.

  25. admin
    December 1st, 2008 at 14:10 | #25

    Hi Mark,

    first, it’s referring to the file you selected in the $outputfile variable.
    second, this file needs to be writable. I assume you’re using Linux, not windows, as this is generally not an issue with windows.
    On linux, simply SSH to the machine, change to the directory where the output file is, and type: chmod 777 filename
    where ‘filename’ is the actual file name.
    If you don’t have SSH, many FTP clients support permission change. For this purpose, FTP to the folder containing the output file, then select this file, and locate from this ftp software the option to change permission. Set it to 777, or ‘read, write, execute’ for everyone.

  26. Chris
    December 18th, 2008 at 14:31 | #26

    Hey Everyone,

    Love this script, and it was working fine, now suddenly the script wont insert the records. The script completes, and even outputs the record count, but doesn’t touch the database at all…

    Any ideas?


  27. admin
    December 18th, 2008 at 17:35 | #27

    Dear Chris,

    please replace:
    @mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

    and let me know what error it gives you

  28. Gary Pearman
    February 23rd, 2009 at 07:25 | #28

    With regards to the quotes issue, you can just use this:

    $linearray = preg_split(“/,(?=(?:[^\"]*\”[^\"]*\”)*(?![^\"]*\”))/”, $line);


  29. Stanley Zdun
    August 24th, 2009 at 18:19 | #29

    it says to load this into the data base

    load data local infile ‘PATH’ into table TABLE fields terminated by ‘,’ lines terminated by ‘\n’;

    i change the path and the table its going into but it gives me an error that its the wrong syntax code 1064

    can anyone give me some advise on what to do


  30. admin
    August 26th, 2009 at 03:20 | #30

    Hi Stanley, the problem is with the single quotes. The blog software here rewrites them. Simply replace ‘ and ’ with '

    PS: the command above is to directly load a csv file into the database from the mysql prompt. This is nice but not related to the script above :)

  31. Claus
    September 11th, 2009 at 12:59 | #31

    Hi everyone!

    Seem to have the script working…exept that it does not write data to the mysql…
    Like with Chris: The script completes, and even outputs the record count, but doesn’t touch the database at all… but tells me: Found a total of 1 records in this csv file.

    What do I do wrong (im a noob at php and mysql)


  32. Adrian
    September 13th, 2009 at 19:03 | #32

    Hi All
    I am using drupal to build a new website, the challenge I am having right now is that I need to import data from a CSV file into a mysql database which has shared tables, therefore some of the fields into which I need to import csv data are in different sections of the same database will this script work for me? If not can this csv file be imported using another method?

    Please advise, thank you for any assistance.


  33. Okoth
    September 18th, 2009 at 20:16 | #33

    Thanks for the script. Very understandable.

    How can I modify this script so that it fetches and store a csv file from the Internet into MySQL?

  34. admin
    October 3rd, 2009 at 17:54 | #34

    Hello Adrian.
    Drupal, as you noted, has complex table structures. Depending on what sort of data you are importing, it’s very likely that this data needs to be split into multiple tables, usually with a common foreign key such as the node id.
    Unfortunately, the script above wouldn’t help do that.

  35. admin
    October 3rd, 2009 at 17:58 | #35

    Hello Okoth.

    Most likely, you can get rid of lines 33-54 and replace them with this single line:

    $csvcontent = @file_get_contents("https://. . .");

    replace the dots with the appropriate url (direct url to the CSV file)

  36. admin
    October 3rd, 2009 at 18:02 | #36

    Hello Claus.
    Does the CSV really contain a single record?

    Since the script reached the stage where it outputs the number of records, I assume it didn’t fail when it connected to the database (lines 56-57) so that is not the problem.

    It is possible that the query to insert data is failing.
    Try replacing line 88 with:
    mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

    and check what error you get.

  37. Andy Brotherton
    October 4th, 2009 at 14:14 | #37


    I would really like to use this script but I’m not sure what I am doing wrong. I get the same problem mentioned above with data not loading into the db. It finds the correct number of rows but nothing shows in the db.

    I changed line 88 @mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

    and get this message “Column count doesn’t match value count at row 1″

  38. admin
    October 5th, 2009 at 08:46 | #38

    @Andy Brotherton: This means that the query is attempting to insert a record with a number of columns that do not match that of the database table.

    1) Are you sure that the CSV file has the exact same number of columns as the table in the database?
    2) Is the field separator in this CSV file really a comma? or is it a tab for instance or other? If it’s not a comma, change the value of $fieldseparator on line 12
    3) The table need to be already created in the database before attempting to load data into it. Are you sure you have it?

  39. maff
    October 7th, 2009 at 07:24 | #39

    how can i empty my already filled table before inserting the new file?
    or can i update an already existing input?

    TRUNCATE, UPDATE? how do i get this in the query?

  40. admin
    October 8th, 2009 at 16:48 | #40

    the command is: truncate tablename.

    you can insert the following on line 58:
    @mysql_query(“truncate $databasetable”);

    but this is non reversible! so be careful

  41. Nathan
    October 20th, 2009 at 05:59 | #41

    Hi, it tells me the record count but not putting data into database

    Hope you can help


  42. phpwebdesigner2010
    December 8th, 2009 at 21:39 | #42

    I need to download data automatically from a remote server. Its a CSV file, and i need to unzip it, and store the data in a mysql database that i created. There are multiple databases. The first section below is one of the databases that someone helped me with and it works wonderfully. I set up a cron job and it downloads it automatically as scheduled. However i have more databases and cant get the others to work.



    #userpwd=’–http-user=blah –http-password=blah’

    toUpper() {
    echo $1 | tr “[:lower:]” “[:upper:]”

    #if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    # echo usage: $0 table

    ZIP=name of data file in remote server
    ZIP=`toUpper $ZIP`

    #the file within the zip has one less _
    DATA=name of table in my mysql database
    DATA=`toUpper $DATA`

    #rm $TABLE.csv.zip
    #rm $DATA.csv

    cd /$HOME/myfolder/myfolder/
    #######get the residential

    wget ‘https://3pv.mlslirealtor.com/Data3pv/DownloadBRSaction.asp?user_code=XXXXXX&password=XXXXXXX&data_type=datazip’ -O $ZIP.csv.zip
    sleep 10
    #######unzip it
    ls -la

    unzip -o $ZIP.csv.zip
    sleep 10
    #######load it

    wget –verbose $deleteparam $directory $userpwd https://mywebsite/myfolder/import.php?table=$DATA
    sleep 300

    ######delete the files

    rm $ZIP.csv.zip
    rm $DATA.csv
    sleep 10

    1. I need a script to add to the above file that will download the photos. If you see below i need a script that automatically gets the CURRENT date and time that the script is ran. There server holds pic from the last 7 days and is constantly updated. Once this script is ran it will download the data into the table that i created.

    2. Then, I need a script that queries the mysql database looking for entries that have photos and then retrieve the actual photos directly from their remote servers. This csv file DOES NOT download photos, just data that i can use to run a script to retrieve the photos at a given spot. See below.
    Below are the instructions I received.

    Photo data is retrieved by HTTP. The photos data is updated once daily and is available for download as a CSV file. You can then write a script using the data from the CSV file to point back to the images on our image server. YOU MUST SUPPLY A VALUE FOR THE QUERY STRING last_updt > ‘YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS’ for the URL to return data. The field last_updt is the date value for the last time that a photo was changed on the listing.

    You will need to replace the user_code and password place holders (XXXX) with the login credentials provided to you.

    Step 1: To retrieve the primary listing photo data CSV file go to the URL below.


    Step 2: The photos table data should download in a CSV format.

    Step 3: Using the Y flags and the ML Number in the data you can link back to our image locations.

    Our primary image directory path is as follows:


    For example- The primary photo for listing number 1899430 is located at


    Our additional image directory path structure is as follows:


    For example- The second photo for listing number 1899430 is located at


  43. Mark Cloyd
    January 3rd, 2010 at 19:33 | #43

    Excellent script! I needed a little jump start for a project I was working on and this did the trick.

    I did notice something odd however, I modified the script to work with a form and I did notice that for searching, the last field was getting buggered up because the new line char (either \r or \n or both) was still being recorded in the MySQL database.

    To that end, if you replace:
    $line = str_replace(“\r”,”",$line);

    $line = str_replace(‘\r’,”,$line);

    it will keep the return from being a problem, as for the new line, I have added a little something that allows for inserting new records, but updates existing records, so that you don’t end up with duplicate entries. At the top of the code below, you will see where I made the same fix for the actual new line char.

    $linemysql = implode(“‘,’”,$linearray);

    $newlinemysql = str_replace(‘\n’,”,$linemysql);

    if($addauto) {

    switch($databasetable) {


    $duplicatevals = “address = VALUES(address),
    city = VALUES(city),state = VALUES(state),

    zip = VALUES(zip)”;



    $duplicatevals = “ownername = VALUES(ownername),
    housetype = VALUES(housetype),

    addresskey = VALUES(addresskey)”;



    $query = “insert into $databasetable values(”,’$newlinemysql’)



    } else {

    $query = “insert into $databasetable values(‘$linemysql’)




    Also, in my form I added the table name and whether I wanted the table to be [boolean] “addauto” or not as a single input from a drop-down (comma separated), then split the result at the top of the simplecsvimport script.

    Finally, you have to remember to set indexes in the database for the, “ON DUPLICATE…” to work, auto increments will not work in this case, so you have to set a secondary index on the auto increment tables, the tables that don’t auto increment and have unique fields work with the single index if that is the route you would like to go.

    I hope this helps someone!


  44. Mark Camp
    January 11th, 2010 at 00:10 | #44


    Made some modifications. My .txt file has 3 columns separated by a “|” (pipe) character. The script displays the file data, counts the rows, but does not enter the data into the database. Any comments?

    $csvcontent = fread($file,$size);


    $con = @mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbusername,$dbuserpassword) or die(mysql_error());
    @mysql_select_db($datasource) or die(mysql_error());

    $lineseparator = “\n”;
    $fieldseparator = “|”;

    $lines = 0;
    $queries = “”;
    $linearray = array();

    $count = 0;

    foreach(split($lineseparator,$csvcontent) as $line) {

    $count = $count + 1;


    $line = trim($line,” \t”);

    $line = str_replace(“\r”,”",$line);

    This line escapes the special character. remove it if entries are already escaped in the csv file
    $line = str_replace(“‘”,”\’”,$line);

    $linearray = explode($fieldseparator,$line);

    $linemysql = implode(“””,$linearray);


    $query = “insert into INDICATORS values(‘$count’,'$linemysql’);”;


    $query = “insert into INDICATORS values(‘$linemysql’);”;

    $queries .= $query . “\n”;

    @mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

    echo “$linemysql\n”;

  45. rajdeo
    February 4th, 2010 at 07:21 | #45

    i did not get it how it work from a file control. means first browse and choose a file and then submit where i need to modified

  46. Kish
    February 17th, 2010 at 14:31 | #46

    This is very Useful code for me..

    How can i get the browse file instead of typing the full path name..

    Please help in this.


  47. Gary
    March 2nd, 2010 at 11:26 | #47

    Thanks, this code has really helped!

    How would I modify it to allow a form to be displayed in which the user browses and selects the csv file to be imported into the table?

    And also how could I make it so that each time a new file is submitted it would override whatever is currently stored in the table?

    Many thanks

  48. Jeremie
    March 9th, 2010 at 12:39 | #48

    Hi all,

    How do I contain these csv quotes in the date “day,month date,2010″ and the state “prov,state” to a column in my data base? I see many examples but i can’t get it to work. any help would good.

    ak,10037591,1,”Tuesday, March 9, 2010 15:55:16″,59.7151,-151.4434,2.7,75.90,32,”Kenai Peninsula, Alaska”

  49. admin
    March 16th, 2010 at 12:28 | #49

    the current code doesn’t allow browsing for/uploading the file.
    You can simply put the CSV file in the same directory as the PHP script, and simply set the $csvfile variable to be equal to the file name (without path)

  50. admin
    March 16th, 2010 at 12:30 | #50

    you could use a @mysql_query(“truncate $databasetable”); right after the @mysql_select_db statement.
    But be careful as this action will wipe out the data and is not reversible.

Comment pages
  1. September 24th, 2007 at 14:12 | #1
    » Converting csv to sql using php @The Coding Pad: Programming blog, discussions, tutorials, resources
  2. November 30th, 2007 at 11:59 | #2
    Import a Comma Delimited File Into MySql with a PHP Script | eCommerce & SEO
  3. June 7th, 2008 at 10:29 | #3
    » CSV import
  4. March 5th, 2010 at 12:03 | #4
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